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Brought to You by

The Alternative Theater Company

A tribute to the heroes who speak out, the survivors who can't, the misunderstood, the harassed, assaulted and abused. Join the conversation. Be a part of change.

The #metoo Plays

The #metoo Plays is a series of short plays from around the world that tackle various sides of this relevant complex movement. The plays were presented in two groups – Resist and Persist for two weeks in December in NYC, 16 plays in alternating repertory programs: Each group focusing on these 2 basic but important lines of defense and way of  coping. If its uncomfortable then it's worth discussing.  -- Audiences were also however pleasantly surprised with some jolts of brazen, bizarre and quirky humor that helped release, relief, decompress and connect us with the universal themes of suffering, the characters, the material and with each other.

We're starting to see how awareness can affect change but it's only the beginning!



Follow us on Instagram @ metooplays




Some of The #metooplays directors: Celine Havard, Dan Capalbo Jr., Steve Petillo, Bill Walters, Judy Dodd
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