Ways to get involved
Subscribe! Become a Member and Get mailing from us regarding Staged Readings, Script solicitations, performances and everything else!
Direct/Co-Produce. Please email us if you are inspired to become a part of our team: thealternativetheatercompany@gmail.com
Volunteer -- tell us your special skills -- fundraising,
promo, mailings, data entry, graphics, grant-writing,​
special events, tech?
Make a monetary donation and receive any number of
our awesome rewards -- or give just because you want to!​
Our projects are sponsored by Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for charitable purposes
must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only under "BelieveAbility" and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
To make a general tax deductable donation and receive our heart felt appreciation click this link:
If you wish to donate by check please make it out to
"Fractured Atlas" and send to
Celine Havard, The Alternative Theater Company
c/o The Artist Co-op
500 West 52nd Street, #3W
New York, NY 10019
We're so excited about this season's Project BelieveAbility and we know you are too!
What can YOU do?
You can help us bring these plays to the
Off-Broadway stage in the Fall!
With sets, costumes, props and a full rehearsal period for the actors is what will bring this dream to realization.
Every little dollar helps!
If you can give $25 or $500 or anything in between --
Your contribution goes to paying :
-- actors
--space rental
-- directors
-- promo
--lights, costumes,props
OR if you don't care about
a tax deduction -- click here to give
any amount straight to PayPal and skip the middle man.