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Brought to You by

The Alternative Theater Company

A tribute to the heroes who speak out, the survivors who can't, the misunderstood, the harassed, assaulted and abused. Join the conversation. Be a part of change.

The #metoo Plays

Presented in two groups – Resist and Persist: Each group of the metooplays focuses on these 2 basic but important lines of defense and way of  coping. If its uncomfortable then it's worth discussing. 


Make sure to check out the cool pics in our gallery -- still catching up. Playwrights website links too!


When I first founded The Alternative Theater Company in Philadelphia in 1988 and I produced my first “#metoo” production, no one had heard of #metoo. Abuse and assault were just as prevalent, just as relevant but something people just didn't want to deal with. Finally, in October of 2017, I felt the time had come! In January of 2018 I put out a call to action for the plays. Over 500 International submissions later, in May we started our reading series. The Summer series involved 27 playwrights, 18 directors, and 60 actors in staged readings that played to full houses. When setting out to create a #metoo Play Festival, one thing I discovered is that there seemed to be a real lack of consensus about the #metoo movement. No matter the varying opinion, what EVERYONE had in common was that they were passionate about it and HAD a point of view! People WANTED to talk, AND it was a subject matter that NEEDED talking about! Audience votes, post play discussions, video interviews and discussion panels, community and web feedback AND an Honorary Selection Committee (with Broadway/Off-Broadway and Expert Playwrights, Directors & Producers) weighing in--- all are the elements that went in to the final determination of the 16 plays that were chosen.There were SO many brilliant stories, so many varying styles, genres and different voices that it was impossible to represent every perspective and do as many as deserved to be done. ALL voices deserve to be heard and believed!  We recognize that abuse, assault and harassment reach beyond boundaries, into every strata of every part of our society. It knows no gender, no age, no color and no class. It touches all our lives. There is confusion. And there is complicity. And for this reason, it MUST continue to be part of the conversation.

There is still so much to be done to empower those who have been disenfranchised, to help victims break free and to spread awareness and reach those who have the potential to be rehabilitated. The goal is to continue to find venues to produce various versions of The #metoo Plays. There are moving, quirky and even surprisingly funny pieces in this collection of 16 plays in a variety of writing styles, genres and themes.


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